Customer Service

Phone Numbers:

Customer Service: 973-423-4002
Fax: 973-427-8823

Mailing Address:

176-180 5th Ave. Hawthorne
New Jersey 07506 United States


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Email List:

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Return Information:

  1. If you have damaged or missing items when you received your package please call our customer service line immidetly to have those items replaced.
  2. Full Return Policy
  3. Return Authorization Form


  1. Online Ordering:
  2. Offline Ordering:
  3. Fax Ordering:
  4. Payment Methods:


  1. Continental United States:
  2. AK,HI, PR and US Teritories:
  3. Canada:
  4. International:

Online Account Information:

  1. Account Information
  2. Create Account
  3. Wish List
  4. Account Login

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Phone: (973) 427-8787
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